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Cleanliness and storage

DOI 10.1615/hedhme.a.000454

4.7.9 Cleanliness and storage

Extensive damage and corrosion can be created in heat exchangers and other plant by debris being left within, and it is normal practice for experienced purchasers to lay down specific requirements with respect to the degree of cleanliness, protection, and preservation and also storing and shipping requirements to prevent such damage. In the absence of such requirements, manufacturers should, in their own interest, take meticulous care in this important function to ensure that all "compartments" are in the correct condition and inspected before closing. It is recommended that steps be taken to ensure that

  1. All surfaces are free from loose scale and debris and cleaned to a degree suitable for the process or connected plant. Note: Care should be taken to ensure that cleaning or testing fluids do not adversely affect or damage any of the materials, e.g., stress corrosion.
  2. All fluids used for testing and cleaning are drained off and surfaces dried.
  3. The surfaces (where appropriate) are suitably coated with a removable rust preventative or alternative means that meets the purchasers requirements and where necessary gives adequate protection in any possible adverse environmental conditions such as in sea transport.
  4. Flanges, screwed threads, and other similar details are protected from mechanical damage by suitable covers or caps, which should also be capable of preventing the ingress of dust and debris, etc.

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