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Types of interactions between streams

DOI 10.1615/hedhme.a.000089

1.1.2 Types of Interactions between Streams


Heat transfer is an energy interaction that occurs between materials by reason of the temperature difference between them. It is the most common type of interaction in heat exchange equipment, and it has pride of place in this handbook.

Heat transfer between the streams is usually effected indirectly: the streams are separated by a solid material, such as a metal tube wall or plate, or even a plastic membrane, and the heat passes from the first fluid through the solid material to the second fluid. The consequences of the heat transfer are often local increases in the temperature of the cooler fluid and decreases in that of the warmer fluid; they may also entail the change of phase of one or both fluids.

Heat transfer can also take place when the fluids are in direct contact, for example, when one fluid is warm water and the other is cool air. Direct-contact heat transfer is very common when the cooling water of a steam power station is to be cooled in its turn. The relevant heat exchange device is then usually called a cooling tower.

Sometimes a cloud of solid particles exchanges heat with a stream of fluid. In a fluidized-bed heat exchanger, a hot gas may pass upward through a dense cloud of solid particles that, although they are in violent motion of a semirandom character, are prevented by gravity from rising with the gas. These particles impinge on, and transfer heat to, solid surfaces (for example, cooling water tubes) that pass through the bed.

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